実は、和菓子のルーツは「果物」だと言われています 。もともと日本では、自然界でとれる果物や木の実・草の実を総称して「くだもの」と呼んでいました。その後、漢字が中国から伝えられると、それに「果子」の字をあてました。「果」は「果実」を、「子」は「種子」を意味していますが、その後「果子」は「菓子」と変化しました。
1.Ancient sweets (Joumon period - Kofun period, BC 14,000 - 7th century)
It is said that the root of wagashi, or traditional Japanese sweets, is fruit. Originally, the fruits, nuts, and grass seeds which have given from nature were called kudamono in Japan. When the Chinese characters were brought to Japan from China, they assigned the character 果子 to kudamono. 果 means fruit and 子 means seed, but 果子 changed to 菓子 after that.
So 菓子, which means sweets in Japanese, was a word that refers to fruits, nuts, and grass seeds. These were snacks that were eaten to supplement the main food, such as cereals, and many of them had sweetness. Therefore, they were valuable and very prized in ancient times.
Ancient sweets had a simple, natural sweetness like fruits or chestnuts, not a strong sweetness like sugar.
It is said that chestnuts were eaten since the Joumon period which is around 4200 – 5900 years ago.
We can find ancient records indicating that chestnuts, persimmons, pears, akebi, oriental melons, strawberries, etc. were presented to the Japanese Imperial Court from various countries around the 10th century.
In that such "sweets" were fruit, we can still see their remnants in Japanese language. The word 水菓子, watery sweets, is a term that refers to desserts that are served at the end of traditional Japanese cuisine. These desserts are often made from fruit.